

Igee Okafor

Igee Okafor



By Day:

Editor-in-Chief of Bond Official

Igee Okafor, Editor-in-Chief of Bond Official, is a personal style connoisseur and businessman whose significant point of view on essential articles of men’s clothing has sealed his position as an industry authority. The aim is set to encourage and steer men in the direction of looking, feeling and being their best selves as confidently as they can.

Igee’s innate love for high quality craftsmanship and culture has provided him with the opportunity to foster an international circle of involved enthusiasts and supporters that turn to him for pointers and finesse.

With his must-read content channels, Igee creates an inclusive community where every man acts upon the urge produce the best versions of themselves through an assembly of the most excellent in style, grooming, and culture.

Without further ado, please enjoy Igee’s insights into how best to entertain guests, the rules of hosting and how to stay “in the moment” at events.

How would you describe your entertaining style? Over the years, I have really enjoyed entertaining guests. Whenever I'm hosting guests, especially at home, I like for them to feel like they've been transported into a realm of calm, romance and subdued luxury. They're not there to do anything except enjoy and share meaningful thoughts and opinions that can impact the event positively. Nighttime is my preferred hosting time of choice. Candles are lit, relaxed classical or R&B music is playing and there's a lot of wine or champagne. It's usually very minimal and very intimate.

Where can one find you on the weekend? I love my apartment in the Financial District so I am there about 80% of the time. When I am not home, I'm at Casa Cipriani these days.

What is the most memorable piece of correspondence you’ve received? I really enjoy handwritten notes. I've had a couple of memorable ones throughout the years from lovers to friends and I believe I have kept them all.

What is a past tradition you wish would come back? Perhaps the etiquette of hand-written thank you notes and never turning up to someone's home empty handed.

What are your three most important Rules of Modern Etiquette, and why?

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Rule N°1

Giving everybody an opportunity to share themselves. Usually, there are a mix of stronger personalities and more shy guests. As a host, it's important to make sure everyone is getting time to share themselves.

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Rule N°2

It's great to snap photographs and film videos very minimally. However, do not text or scroll through social media during. For me, it means you're not engaged enough in the moment. Also, no personal conversations or arguments should be shared on any platform without consent of involved parties.

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Rule N°3

Don't let your mood affect your manners. I've been in several situations where everything is going well and guests get in a heated argument with one or more choosing to leave. I like to think our differences can make us stronger if we choose to stay calm, listen and come to a conclusion. We are all here to learn from each other. It should never turn hostile.

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Bonus Rule

This one might be a bit controversial but I believe if you choose to host, pay for it. If it's your idea, carry it through. It should not have to be about status or anything. I believe intimate gatherings are supposed to highlight how you see, respect and take care of the people that matter to you. Bring them into your world and leave them with a glimpse of how you think the world should be.

Do follow @igeeokafor to learn more about this extraordinary host. Style inspiration awaits!

Photo Credit: Charles Roussel